Frequently asked questions (FAQ)

  1. What is the first step in the process of submitting a project/program?

The 1st step before sending any document is to check the eligibility criteria of your organization and the project you wish to submit as well as the restrictions that we apply in terms of funding. For more details, refer to the “submit a project” page on our website.

If you believe that your project meets our eligibility and evaluation criteria and that it falls within our priority countries and themes, the next step is to send us the identification form and a letter of introduction. accompanied by the required financial data and, if available, pre-existing supporting documents that will support your request.

  1. Can we send a presentation file at any time, is there a deadline?

Presentation files are accepted throughout the year; There is no deadline.

  1. In what language can we write our presentation file?

Presentation files can be submitted in English, Spanish, or French.

  1. Can I call the PVF Office to discuss my project/program?

PVF has created a detailed website precisely to avoid any phone calls at the initial contacts stage. Therefore, please do not call us or come to our offices.

  1. I’m moving to Geneva, can I meet a representative of PVF?

Due to a large number of such requests, no meetings can be arranged until your initial request has been received. This depends on the content and quality of the presentation file and its annexes mentioned under the submission procedure. Only these documents can determine whether there is a sufficient degree of convergence to make a potential meeting successful for all. Therefore, it is essential that we receive and study the project documents before a possible meeting.

  1. What are the important things to know before submitting a presentation file?

If you intend to submit a presentation file, please refer to the following sections of our website: mission, values, approach, geographical priorities, thematic, selection criteria, restrictions, and procedure for project submission.

  1. What is the standard amount of PVF donations, and how much can we ask PVF?

PVF does not give limits on funding per project, the amount of our contribution always depends on the particularities of the project, the needs, and its quality.  Please note, that we always favor co-financing.

  1. Our project/program does not come within the geographical and/or thematic priorities of PVF, can we nevertheless submit a presentation dossier?

Projects outside these priorities may be considered if they respond to the Foundation’s approach.

  1. We are an NGO with no previous experience with international donors; can we still submit a presentation file?

Our main constraint is the remote monitoring of projects, we can not support NGOs without strong experience with the expectations of international donors.

  1. We are an international organization with an annual budget exceeding CHF 10 million, can we submit a project?

International organizations with an annual budget equal /above the CHF 10 million threshold are unfortunately not eligible. This also applies to entities, which belong to a federation or a network of NGOs, as we will always consider the global situation of an organization.

  1. We are a religious organization; can we still submit a presentation file?

Religious organizations are allowed to apply for funding if the proposed project targets segments of the population that are unrelated to their religious affiliation while meeting our other criteria.

In any case, you must consult our website and in particular the pages eligibility criteria, restrictions, and evaluation criteria, before submitting your application.

  1. Does the Foundation have a special format for presentation files?

There is no standard format for a presentation folder. Please visit our website for more information. Also, PVF has no standard format for budgets, but guidelines and templates are found on our website.

  1. What is the length/size of an introductory letter?

A letter of introduction must not exceed +/-5 pages, not including the financial data required and other relevant supporting documents.

  1. Where should we send our file?

The files and their annexes are to be addressed by email only, visit “Contact” on our website.

  1. We sent our introductory letter, and now what happens?

PVF acknowledges receipt of your introductory letter. PVF strives to respond as quickly as possible to new requests, the study of a letter of introduction and its accompanying documents may take up to 6 – 8 weeks.

  1. Can I call the PVF Office to find out the fate of my introductory letter?

Due to the large volume of submissions we receive, we cannot respond to phone calls from applicants wishing to know the follow-up to their project submission.

  1. We sent our introductory letter now 6 weeks ago and we are still waiting for a response from PVF, what should we do?

Without news from us after 6 weeks, do not hesitate to raise us by email to get information.

  1. What happens if our introductory letter is refused by PVF?

If, after reviewing your introductory letter, the Foundation concludes that no prospect of funding is possible, we will let you know by email. Due to a large number of non-selected projects, we regret not being able to provide detailed and individualized explanations for each of them. However, as far as possible, we try to briefly indicate why a letter of introduction does not warrant a more thorough study.

  1. Our project/program concerns the geographical and/or thematic priorities of PVF, I do not understand why my introductory letter/project proposal was refused.

Other considerations of a qualitative nature compared to other applications also have an impact on the outcome of a bid, even if it seems to fully correspond to the PVF’s priorities.

  1. What happens if our introductory letter/project proposal is selected by PVF?

You will be invited to submit a complete project proposal; you will then receive all the information necessary for the continuation of the procedure. However, please note that at this stage an invitation to submit a full proposal does not mean that PVF is committed to funding your initiative.

  1. How long does it take to study a complete proposal?

Depending on the complexity of the project, the study of a complete proposal may take 3 to 6 months (or even more, in some exceptional cases).

  1. Does PVF take into account the indicators of a project/program?

Experience proves that the results indicators (output and outcome) and impact, as well as the associated data collection methodology, are very often the main theme of trade during the complete project study phase. It is common for additional explanations, or even reformulation work, to be necessary.

  1. Does PVF contact third parties during the project study?

We reserve the right, at all times, to obtain the opinion of third parties on the introductory letters or complete proposals submitted.

  1. What happens if the full proposal is refused by PVF?

If after reviewing your complete proposal, we conclude that no prospect of funding is possible, we will let you know by email. Due to a large number of non-selected projects, we regret not being able to provide detailed and individualized explanations for each of them. That being said and as far as possible, we try to briefly indicate why a full proposal has not been selected.

  1. What happens if the full proposal is endorsed by the PVF’s Secretariat?

Complete project proposals are submitted to the Foundation Board. All grants must be approved by our Board.

  1. How Board meetings per year?

Our Board meets 4 times a year.

  1. What are the dates of the next Board meetings?

The dates of the Board meetings are not disclosed.

  1. My project/program has been studied for months by PVF, also I do not understand why it was refused by the Board of the Foundation.

Our funds are limited in relation to the large number of quality requests that reach us, the projects selected, to be submitted to the Board, are put in competition for their final approval. Regardless of the amount of discussions or the duration of the study phase of a project, we are never able to guarantee a favorable outcome.

  1. My project/program has been approved by the Board, what is happening now?

Following the acceptance of a new project by the Board, a partnership agreement explaining, among other things, the expectations of PVF in relation to narrative and financial reports, is sent. This agreement must be duly signed before any transfer of funds.

  1. Are PVF payments made in installments over time?

Payments are made in installments, which depend on the reception and approval of the narrative and financial reports of the project, as requested in the partnership contract.

  1. What is usually the frequency of the reports requested by the Foundation?

As a general rule, we request reports every 6 months. In the event of co-financing, we try to align ourselves with the timetable of the reports requested by the other donors of the project, in order to avoid unnecessary duplication and excessive administrative burdens.

  1. Does the Foundation have its own format for narrative reports?

We do not have a standard format for the drafting of narrative reports. In fact, we prefer to allow our recipients the opportunity to express themselves freely or to use relevant pre-existing documents, written for internal use or by following the standard form of another project donor. However, the PVF recipients are required to ensure that there are detailed information on the indicators selected by PVF.

  1. Does the Foundation have its own format for financial reporting?

Similarly, we do not have a standard format for the drafting of financial reports. However, our recipients should keep the same presentation and the same headings when drafting the financial reports as the project budget which was accepted by our Board and which is attached to the partnership agreement.

  1. How does the Foundation evaluate the progress/results of a project?

During a project, we can call on experts or specialists from various fields to obtain their opinion on the content and quality of the reports received. Therefore, the scrutiny and study of a report can sometimes take more than a month. The identity of these reference professionals is obviously not disclosed. The Foundation may, at any time, visit or show the project in order to assess its quality.

  1. Does a representative of the Foundation make a visit to the project/program or are external consultants mandated?

We reserve the right to verify, at any time, the smooth running of the project and the manner in which the funds are used, through field visits, audits or any other means deemed appropriate through joint evaluations with other organizations co-financing the project, contacts with external experts or consultants.

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